So this is my 4th post and I guess I'll just pick random topics off the top of my head to rant about. I still wonder if there's anyone out there that is actually reading this stuff I type. So after talking with some work friends the other day about working out, I guess I'll talk about that. I'm also going to mention that it seems that everyone around me is sick and I seem to be immune, I usually only get sick once a year. Something also pretty funny is that I think that sometime in middle school, I was patient zero of a strep throat epidemic that took out 2thirds of the class.
The hardest thing about doing it is actually getting yourself to go and do it and keep at it. During high school when you join a sport and forced to exercise it's much easier to stay in shape but when college comes around, I can see how weight gain can get out of hand and 15lbs is just around the corner. So the first step is to stay determined, motivated and strict about it. It's really easy to just make excuses and just keep pushing the day that you start back to a Monday or something and then can't for some reason start that day and wait another week. Just an idea but joining an expensive gym or something could be motivating to workout so that you don't waste your cash. I quit Planet Fitness after about a year since the only thing I used there was the treadmills since their free weights were terrible and I don't like machine weights; the overweight naked old men that walked around the locker rooms didn't help either. They took about $200 from me after that year if anyone wants to know how much it costs to go there; they take $60 from you to start (even if you pay $1 or something to start, they charge it sometime later), $30 for the month of October for some crap reason, and $100 for other 10 months for $10 each, round $190 = $200
Something that I've been doing on and off has been a program called p90x, I saw it on TV so I found it online. It works because its just a set of organized workout videos that kick your butt. By the end of it I was able to perform 30 consecutive chin ups, do a load of push-ups in a row, and jog something like 5 miles. I will hopefully be able to get myself to start it up again next week. If anyone does need advice on losing weight, it's all about speeding up your metabolism. Eating your meals spread out throughout the day into 5-6 healthy meals/snacks consisting of 300-400 calories every 3-4 hours or something since people average 2000 a day helps a ton but also remember that everyone is different, so do what works for you. Starving yourself slows down your metabolism so you'll gain it back, drinking a lot of water helps, sleeping 7-8 hours a night (no more or less) helps, and working out also speeds it up. Oh yeah and 2-3lbs a week is a good pace cause that's about 10lbs a month and if you overdo it I think it plateaus and you don't really lose that much anymore.
For gaining muscle mass and avoid plateauing in strength, it's all about changing your routine. From p90x I would do chest/back on Mon & shoulders/triceps/biceps on Wed with some cardio mixed in for a month then switch it up to chest/shoulders/triceps Mon & back/biceps Wed and for the final month you alternate the two set ups for each week. Eating the right stuff is really important in building muscle, a combination of complex carbs/protein rich food with a balanced meal is key. I never took any supplements besides whey protein; just remember to not over do it when you do any of the stuff. For protein your not suppse to have more grams than your weight number a day; taking whey is the same as eating a chicken or something but if you have too much protein, it turns into waste and makes your body work use a bit more effort to process it which is bad. Resting or just doing cardio for a week or so after a month or something after lifting helps since the way muscles get bigger and stronger is that the fibers tear and regrow larger. It's important to not overwork and do a muscle group more than 1-2 times a week or it won't have time to grow, higher levels of soreness is also usually common during the first week of starting.
Well that's all I know about working out fitness tips/advice/stuff I think so stay tuned for what ever I can think of to type tomorrow, and maybe type a suggestion or something on what I should write about or just so that I know that someone actually reads this and that I'm not wasting my time and writing to myself.