Tuesday, March 22, 2011

first blog!

OK, so this is my first time blogging so I guess I'll write about why I made an account and tried starting this.  It all started yesterday on a very slow Monday afternoon at the movie theater where I work.  A couple of employees and I where sitting around with our cell phones out and one of them came across one of our friends blogs and started reading it out loud.  It seemed like a pretty cool idea, typing up your ideas to post online for others to read.  

Being a procrastinating type of guy, I decided to check out this blog and create my own account instead of studying for my midterm exam I have tomorrow, which will hopefully be canceled due to the crazy weather we have been getting.  It's too bad I can't just pop a pill like Bradly Cooper in Limitless, which was a pretty good movie by the way, and motivate myself to get things done. Well after 4 days straight of working (10 hours today on the busiest day) and after taking this exam, maybe I'll finally get some time to work out and hang out with some friends. 

Well it's time to hit the books so that maybe I'll get a few hours of sleep.  Till next time, if I decide to continue to write these. Not too bad for the first one I think, I'm sure no ones ever going to read this anyway. :)

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