Saturday, November 10, 2012

finals week... finish push to finish!

Hey I'm back... its finals week and as an art student that means getting all my projects done with a couple papers sprinkled on top... I've been so busy that I didn't even post last week heh. well I'll make this quick since I am just taking a short break from finishing a few projects, I'll also post up some progress on some that I am currently working on.  So lets see what has happened in these past two weeks.  Halloween was pretty fun, I had a little get together at my place where everyone was dressed up and I was a ninja again since I make such a good one :].

final detailed mudbox model, low poly version being exported to maya and normal/displacement map created from the high poly version

Some crazy awesome video games came out including the 4th installment of Halo 4, I originally pre-ordered the game on a website in July but I used my debit card that expired in August and while talking with customer support to figure this out they annoyed me to the point where I decided to just cancel the order and wait until Black Friday since I am too busy to play it right now anyway.  Some other games are Assassin's Creed 3 which takes place during the Revolutionary War which I actually predicted years ago since where would they go after the Renaissance.  I might also pick up a copy of the 9th Call of Duty since it does look pretty interesting.

My attempt to texture the model; was not required for the assignment but doing it for practice and to go above and beyond the scope of the class, learned how with google and youtube

I am looking forward to see my family again this Thanks Giving since it's been almost 3 months, I just hope the power is back since the Hurricane hit my house in NJ pretty hard, everyone I knew turned out to be fine but they just lost power for over a week.  I think that I also changed a bit, besides a haircut after 10 months I worked out consistently every week and ate healthy.  My little sister who is in first grade now should be getting pretty big too, hopefully my mom isn't letting her eat too many treats or fast food since it made me a really chubby kid back in the day.  To be honest my little sister is probably the person I miss the most even though she can be annoying sometimes.  I also wonder if my brother passed his driving test yet, a lot of things are happening at home without me there and it'll be cool to see how things are when I get back.  I just hope my car doesn't break down on the way since my check engine light has been on for a few weeks but was reassured that it wasn't anything from my dad since it's an old car.  My mom probably misses me the most, whenever I get back she tries her best to make me fat and buy me things.  Catching up with my hometown friends should be fun as well, its just too bad NJ is so boring but just chilling with them should be fine.  Well back to finishing these finals, I probably won't sleep this weekend haha.  The next post will probably be after break, I might just make them every two week from now on as well, maybe.

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