Monday, October 29, 2012

classes coming to a close, Halloween pumpkins, and hurricanes

Welp it's week 9 of RIT and the weather outside is poopy and I am still blogging heh.  Halloween is on Wednesday so I guess it's gonna be a wet one since hurricane Sandy is in town.  I heard it was a lot worse in my home town area of NJ but I'm sure everyone will be fine without a little power or internet for a little.  I do wonder who decides to name these natural disasters though; I think they just pick random girl names and make them sound less threatening to be honest.  This year Halloween was pretty fun even though it hasn't come yet I went to a few costume parties dressed like a ninja since I make a pretty good one.  Being in charge of brotherhood events in my fraternity, I suggested to have us all carve pumpkins, it ended up as just me doing one myself.  We do have one member who is an unbelievably skilled pumpkin carver, his other random hidden skill is sand castle building, we got him to carve 4 pumpkins for sororities on our campus, one didn't have a place so we didn't make one for them.  The one I make though was a pumpkin throwing up his own guts which I thought came out really well mentioning that I haven't tried doing this for about 15 years.

thanks to 3D coat and a class i didn't miss I learned how to UV layout a head under 7 mins 

So I guess I'll finish up with my 3 part series of self improvement that I made up concluding with heart or soul.  I believe that it take more than being smart or athletic to be the best you can be.  I practice doing selfless deeds whenever the opportunity arrives, where it might be me helping someone out with 3D homework in the labs, cooking food for my housemates, or just plain being nice, I'm usually modest but I might just think that I am the nicest guy I know.  Sometimes I just take a few minutes during the day to just sit back and think, almost meditate in fact.  I try to reflect on life and think about what I am doing and why, and other philosophical things I guess.  I came to the conclusion that really all I want in life is to score that dream job doing what I like, I don't care much for money either I guess, I'd be perfectly content if my college loans where paid off;  this might sound cheesy but the other thing is finding my soul mate I guess, to be honest I am awful when it comes to talking with the opposite sex and I've only been with 2 girls so far, that's the life of a nice guy I guess, but an awesome girlfriend would be ideal heh.  Sometimes people will doubt my intellect for being an art student but the truth is I think I am pretty smart sometimes, a lot of the times smarter than the ones who assume that I am not. I could have decided to go into engineering, computer science or many other things since I took college level physics and calculus back in high school but the thing was that I knew that I would be happier doing the things I am now and will get a career that I will enjoy someday and I feel smarter for that.

 I retopologized my future  alien robot dude in 3D coat which took about 4 hours

I know how to get along with everyone, it would be pretty difficult to find someone who would think otherwise I am passive but for good reasons.  Its very rare to see me angry, to deal with things like that you really just calmly take a step back and think about the things that made you upset.  An example would be a time when my friend was driving and got cut off by someone else and got flipped off, my friend got extremely angry and started tailgating the car.  Thinking to myself I would have just ignored the situation since doing such things would not help at all and I will never meet again with this person, wishing misfortune for someone else is also not a good thing.  So yea to sum it up, just try your best to be a genuinely good person and take time to meditate on your thoughts.  Well I hope that my little bits of tips of self improvement will help someone out there someday whoever is reading this.

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