Monday, October 8, 2012

actually gonna keep doing this thing...

Hi again! didn't think you would ever read another post by me right?  Well it is my goal to not abandon this blog for two or so years again kinda like how tv shows would end and fans would beg for another series but then coming back and ultimately failing and becoming disowned, but I assure to who ever might be reading this that, that is not the case.  Instead of burning out what ever idea I have and doing it like extra homework writing this blog, I think I might just type about something interesting at the start of the week, and yes Sunday is the end of the week to me.

So I would have to say that the highlight of my week was probably yesterday; I had absolutely no down time to just sit at home and relax... I had a friend over from the other side of town crash at my place on my futon and so me and 3 of my house mates and him decided on going out to try and eat something new for breakfast; luckily I bought a groupon for a Thai-Laotian restaurant that was not too far from my house.  I had just recently discovered this amazing thing called a groupon thanks to one of my friends; apparently you go online to their website and pay for example $20 and the coupon would get you something like $40 to spend when you go out to use it and it comes in all forms of things you can buy, I guess it is a great way for places to get their name out but it is defiantly a win-win for both parties.  I actually went to a Thai-Laotian restaurant about a month or two ago when I was in California this summer and I suppose it is pretty common since their food styles are very similar, but thanks to that, I knew exactly what we should order.  The great thing about this kind of food is that you order a bunch of different dishes and have them all in the middle of the table and all eat from them so that you get a huge variety. I highly recommend something called pad thai which is like the country's signature dish along with thai tea which is a very tasty drink, no two are the same though so if you had a bad experience with it I would try it again.  Overall it was an amazing decision to go, we each spent about $6-$7 thanks to the groupon and ate a very large amount of tasty food.

Right after we ate I had to drive straight to work; I recently got a new job as a lab assistant at my school which means that I pretty much sit at a computer and maintain the lab making sure everything is going well and helping out students with hardware or software problems, luckily I am studying computer graphics and I am very technical minded so answering questions and figuring things out is easy for me and because all of my shifts are in a 3D lab mainly used by animation students.  This job is actually helping get more of my homework done since it is kind of like a study hall for me and I don't have any distractions around; I am actually writing this blog at work also.

Right after work I had to go shopping with my house mate since he doesn't have his car yet.  We went to Walmart and bought some random groceries. Living off campus; I've learned to embrace my inner chef and usually get pretty good compliments on it.  Straight from the store I decided to take the bus and hang out down town with some friends, when I finally got back, I passed out.

Back to important things like school, I have been working on my 3D sculpture.  Don't know if anyone could guess who it was but I'm trying to model Scarlet Johanson, thanks to the inspiration I got from my recently bought movie, The Avengers, I think that I am starting to capture her characteristics better.  Another thing I did to practice making my model recognizable was a hand done sketch that I did.  My professor commented to me that if your spending hours working on something, it might as well be something you don't mind look at.  The DVD I bought actually came with the 3D blu-ray version, standard blu-ray, digital copy, and sound track; for $20 I think it was a pretty good deal.  I don't know why anyone would have picked any of the other versions since they where all priced the same.  As for my other project I decided that I was going to make it with my scripting group for our final.  Using scripts we are going to try and rig the model and maybe make a short animation, to contribute I drew up a bunch of concept sketches since planning is half of the work.

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