Thursday, September 26, 2013

week 4 of thesis

So this week for my thesis, I gathered tiger images, I tried to balance photos of tigers, anatomical images, and some cg tigers.  I created a quick base mesh to sculpt from in maya after setting up orthographic images in photoshop, on this stage I tried to focus on proportions and even topology for easier sculpting.  After bring it into zbrush I start to block out the forms while maintaining the proportions and learning the anatomy of large cats at the same time which came out to be a lot more complex and different from humans than I thought.  After forming the muscles and bones, I started smoothing them out which didn't take too long/  Since this is getting ready to rig I didn't have to worry about gesture except for the mouth.  I didn't get as far as I wanted to since learning the anatomy took longer than I thought; I still have a lot of work to do on the paws, head, and other parts like skin/fat/fur, I think total this week was about 12 hours.  

As for other projects, I decided to practice some anatomy (female) before sculpting the tiger which turned out to turn into a 4 hour thing instead of a quick one hour practice since I started to do a face as well that turned out a lot more stylized than I thought which I really liked.  I also started my second lighting/rendering/materials project, for this one I'm thinking of a fantasy outdoor scene with some Salvador Dali feel to it and also design an insect for it too.  Last thing for this week was that I found my rig that I made over the summer for my co-op which I will modify to fit my real time character for my Unreal Development Kit class.  

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