Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 10 + 11

Forgot to write stuff about these pics but here's some work on my thesis character, just experimenting with the proportions with a quick sculpt for practice and then trying to design and form the armor pieces.

the tiger is almost done, I've decided to type a short story for my thesis to help the design process so the mechanical parts are actually going to be like an endo-skeleton kind of like a terminator; as the flesh gets ripped off this is revealed.  things I still need to work on for this would be the head, tail, and paws.  So far there isn't any super high details yet and I might also modify the silhouette.

I normally do anatomy practices on a regular bases, each time I try to have it done more accurately and quickly.

For my lighting, materials, and rendering class our final project was a take on a classic horror film since the professor came up with the idea around Halloween time.  I really like sculpting muscles for some reason so I decided to do a werewolf which I also turned into a gargoyal for my UDK class.  

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